The Completion Method: Small Group Coaching

An Interdependent Experience


The Completion Method ® small group coaching.  An intimate group of 10, coming together for the interdependent experience of a lifetime! One I am so fricking excited for.

If you are ready to challenge yourself, in a supported environment, to not only shift the patterns that have so far shaped your behaviour, but ultimately create deep inner growth, then this might just be the group for you.


Our small group of like-minded individuals will come together to create an experience that the hyper-independence in you needs.  If you are ready to unlock your true potential and ability for deep connection, then read on.

Yes, we will dive deep into the cognitive.  The way you think, what that is currently creating, and how that is presenting in your life.  What positives exist within that, and where that is costing you WAY more than you think (pun intended).  


We will also be entering a very different realm of looking into the subconscious.  The parts of you driven by emotional responses that you aren’t sure where you picked up, that are embedded in your behaviours, and to date, have cleverly stayed out of your line of vision.  


It will be a multifaceted toolkit for lasting change, intended for you to use those tools, as and when you need them moving forwards.  


We will rewire patterns, release old beliefs and you will experience connecting with your own energy, guidance and intuition.  You will access a new level of understanding of you, enabling you to get out of your own way, even when difficulties arise.  Because: it’s life, there will always be a challenge, problem or difficulty that presents itself.  Our work is to balance your internal world to enable you to feel confident ‘even when’.  


We will dive into practical strategies in support of you along the way.  Bridging the gap between insight AND action.  A whole new way to overcome overwhelm, people-pleasing and perfectionist behaviour that often accompanies hyper-independence.


Our time together will enable you to get out of your head, into your body, and balance your own masculine and feminine energies.  Something that to date, you may have read about, studied, but not actually achieved.  If you are ready to slow down, reconnect to yourself, your pleasure and your soul goals, then I would love to welcome  you into the group.  Hyper-independence and all of it’s tools operate from a wounded element of internal masculine energy that we can tap into and transform.



The investment is £3,000 including VAT.  Payment plans are available.  

If you are employed, your employer may contribute to your coaching costs.  





What does group coaching involve?

We will come together on Zoom over a set number of weeks, there will be accountability emails weekly together with work to be done between sessions to maximise our time together.  

Much like 1:1 coaching, you will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire before we start and I will review what everyone is looking to achieve in our time together.  The coaching sessions themselves will be held as a group, enabling you to benefit from seeing others be coached, gain momentum with support from people going through the same experience as you and also open yourself up to sharing in a way that you may never have done before, a huge key to shifting hyper-independence. 

The next group start date is yet to be confirmed.  The price is £3,000 including VAT

Join the Completion Method small group coaching waitlist. Sign up below: