90-minute Journaling Masterclass.



Dig deep into journaling with me and learn how to use it to clear, connect and access the true you within.


Many people struggle with journaling, or so they think.

In reality, it's more likely they are struggling with connecting to their true self, getting deeper than surface level and understanding what to do with it when they find it.


The power of journaling is that it reveals your inner world, and that can initially feel both liberating and horrifying. What if someone reads it? What if you find out something you don’t want to know? What if it’s something you can’t change... what if all these sh*tty thoughts about yourself are true?! ... The list goes on and on.


I am going to walk you through this masterclass to not just show you the juicy, glorious depths of journaling, but to help you understand the different processes of what to do with it


You'll learn how to open yourself up to a life-changing practice that can serve you at ALL times in your life, not just when you are in need of your own guidance because you are confused, sad or a bit lost, but as a housekeeping tool to keep yourself feeling clear and to understand things as they are evolving - to really tap into your own personal power.  


There is so much more to the practice of journaling when we are able to approach it with curiosity, to be compassionate and to have the courage to allow ourselves to spill out onto the page. All of us.  Because within this exploration of yourself, you get to dig deeper to feel a true sense of self, become more expressive in your life and fundamentally feel far more secure in building trust in finding your own advice (wisdom), that you know you can tap into.  


When you can build that practice into your life, build that connection with your (sometimes chaotic) inner world, that is where the magic comes to life. Understanding your resistance and fears to even go there (why you avoid journaling) - well - we’re going to cover that too!



Clear Out with Clarity

Journaling Masterclass




This 90-minute masterclass is a recording and will have instant access.

Clear Out with Clarity

90-minute Journaling Masterclass
